
Jet Engine part 2

Decided to revisit the Rolls-Royce Nene jet engine. I think I'm done touching it. Built and rendered in Maya. Post in Photoshop.


Unreal 4 Material Test

A material test for a new Unreal 4 project. Sculpted in zbrush. Higher res to follow.


Rolls-Royce Jet Engine

This is a mechanical study I've been working on of a Rolls-Royce Nene jet engine from the 1940s. This was a study to practice hard surface techniques for molded metal parts as well as layers of complexity in design. 


Unearthly Challenge 2013 pt.3

Whipped this up over the weekend but forgot to post it. It's a little vignette to test out the street textures and blend maps. The 2 asphalt textures got a second pass to grunge them up a bit. Marmosets not a fan of alpha blending so hopefully the decals will look better in UDK.


Unearthly Challenge 2013 pt.2

Real quick UEC13 update here. Some baked and textured rocks as well as some WIP asphalt textures.


Unearthly Challenge 2013

So I'e entered the Unearthly Challenge some friends, Tim Diaz and Liz Kirby. The challenge is to pick a theme and build an environment around it. The theme we chose is "gravity"... or "anti-gravity"... or "floaty buildings". The thread where you can find our concept and additional art can be found here:
Pop in. Take a look. Kick off your shoes and stay awhile. Here's some work I've done so far.